This page was exported from Free Exam Dumps Collection [ ] Export date:Tue Mar 11 17:38:38 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: (2024) PASS ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor Exam Free Practice Test with 100% Accurate Answers [Q56-Q75] --------------------------------------------------- (2024) PASS ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor Exam Free Practice Test with 100% Accurate Answers ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor dumps Free Test Engine Verified By It Certified Experts NEW QUESTION 56You are performing an ISMS audit at a residential nursing home that provides healthcare services. The next step in your audit plan is to verify the information security incident management process. The IT Security Manager presents the information security incident management procedure and explains that the process is based on ISO/IEC 27035-1:2016.You review the document and notice a statement “any information security weakness, event, and incident should be reported to the Point of Contact (PoC) within 1 hour after identification”. When interviewing staff, you found that there were differences in the understanding of the meaning of “weakness, event, and incident”.You sample incident report records from the event tracking system for the last 6 months with summarized results in the following table.You would like to further investigate other areas to collect more audit evidence. Select two options that will not be in your audit trail.  Collect more evidence on how and when the Human Resources manager pays the ransom fee to unlock personal mobile data, i.e., credit card, and bank transfer. (Relevant to control A.5.26)  Collect more evidence on what the service requirements of healthcare monitoring are. (Relevant to clause 4.2)  Collect more evidence on how the organization determined no further action was needed after the incident. (Relevant to control A.5.26)  Collect more evidence on how the organisation determined the incident recovery time. (Relevant to control A.5.27)  Collect more evidence on the incident recovery procedures. (Relevant to control A.5.26)  Collect more evidence by interviewing more staff about their understanding of the reporting process.(Relevant to control A.6.8)  Collect more evidence on how and when the company pays the ransom fee to unlock the company’s mobile phone and data, i.e., credit card, and bank transfer. (Relevant to control A.5.26) According to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS), clause 4.2 requires an organization to determine the needs and expectations of interested parties that are relevant to its ISMS1. This includes identifying the legal, regulatory, contractual and other requirements that apply to its information security activities1. Therefore, collecting more evidence on what the service requirements of healthcare monitoring are may not be relevant to verifying the information security incident management process, as it is not directly related to the audit objective or criteria. This option will not be in the audit trail.NEW QUESTION 57A marketing agency has developed its own risk assessment approach as part of the ISMS implementation. Is this acceptable?  Yes, any risk assessment methodology that complies with the ISO/IEC 27001 requirements can be used  Yes, only if the risk assessment methodology is aligned with recognized risk assessment methodologies  No, when implementing an ISMS, the risk assessment methodology provided by ISO/IEC 27001 should be used ISO/IEC 27001 does not mandate the use of a specific risk assessment methodology. Organizations are free to choose their own approach as long as it is systematic, consistent, and capable of producing valid and comparable results. This allows organizations, such as the marketing agency in the question, to adapt the methodology to suit their specific needs and business context, provided it complies with the requirements set out in the standard.References: PECB ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor Course Materials; ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Standard, Clause6.1.2.NEW QUESTION 58Please match the roles to the following descriptions:To complete the table click on the blank section you want to complete so that it is highlighted in red, and then click on the applicable test from the options below. Alternatively, you may drag and drop each option to the appropriate blank section. Explanation:The auditee is the organization or part of it that is subject to the audit. The auditee could be internal or external to the audit client . The auditee should cooperate with the audit team and provide them with access to relevant information, documents, records, personnel, and facilities .The audit client is the organization or person that requests an audit. The audit client could be internal or external to the auditee . The audit client should define the audit objectives, scope, criteria, and programme, and appoint the audit team leader .The technical expert is a person who provides specific knowledge or expertise relating to the organization, activity, process, product, service, or discipline to be audited. The technical expert could be internal or external to the audit team . The technical expert should support the audit team in collecting and evaluating audit evidence, but should not act as an auditor .The observer is a person who accompanies the audit team but does not act as an auditor. The observer could be internal or external to the audit team . The observer should observe the audit activities without interfering or influencing them, unless agreed otherwise by the audit team leader and the auditee .References :=[ISO 19011:2022 Guidelines for auditing management systems][ISO/IEC 17021-1:2022 Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems – Part 1: Requirements]NEW QUESTION 59There is a scheduled fire drill in your facility. What should you do?  Participate in the drill  Excuse yourself by saying you have an urgent deliverable  Call in sick  None of the above You should participate in the drill, because this is part of the organization’s business continuity plan and emergency response procedures. The drill is intended to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization’s preparedness for fire incidents, and to ensure the safety and security of the personnel and assets. By participating in the drill, you are demonstrating your compliance with the organization’s information security policy and culture, as well as your awareness of the potential risks and impacts of fire incidents. The drill is also an opportunity for you to learn and improve your skills and knowledge on how to respond to fire emergencies. Reference: [CQI & IRCA Certified ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training Course], ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements, Why fire drills are importantNEW QUESTION 60Match the correct responsibility with each participant of a second-party audit: Explanation:The correct responsibility with each participant of a second-party audit is:* Prepares the audit report: Audit Team Leader. The audit team leader is responsible for coordinating the audit activities, communicating with the auditee and the customer, and preparing and delivering the audit report that summarizes the audit findings and conclusions1.* Prepares audit checklists for use during the audit: Auditor. The auditor is responsible for collecting and verifying objective evidence during the audit, using audit checklists as a tool to guide the audit process and ensure that all relevant aspects of the audit criteria are covered1.* Supports an auditor and provides feedback on their experience: Auditor in training. The auditor in training is a person who is learning how to perform audits under the supervision of an experienced auditor. The auditor in training supports the auditor by observing and participating in the audit activities, and provides feedback on their experience to improve their skills and competence1.* Follows-up on audit findings within an agreed timeframe: Auditee. The auditee is the organisation that is being audited by the customer or a third party on behalf of the customer. The auditee is responsible for providing access and cooperation to the auditors, and for following up on the audit findings within an agreed timeframe, by implementing corrective actions or improvement measures as needed1.* Provides an independent account of the audit but does not participate in the audit: Observer. The observer is a person who accompanies the audit team but does not participate in the audit activities. The observer may be a representative of the customer, a regulatory body, or another interested party. The observer provides an independent account of the audit but does not interfere with or influence the audit process or outcome1.* Escorts the auditors but does not participate in the audit: Guide. The guide is a person who is appointed by the auditee to assist the audit team during the audit. The guide may escort the auditors to different locations, facilitate access to information and personnel, or provide clarification or explanation as requested by the auditors. The guide does not participate in the audit or influence its results1.NEW QUESTION 61In regard to generating an audit finding, select the words that best complete the following sentence.To complete the sentence with the best word(s), click on the blank section you want to complete so that it Is highlighted in red, and then click on the applicable text from the options below. Alternatively, you may drag and drop the option to the appropriate blank section. ExplanationAudit evidence should be evaluated against the audit criteria in order to determine audit findings.Audit evidence is the information obtained by the auditors during the audit process that is used as a basis for forming an audit opinion or conclusion12. Audit evidence could include records, documents, statements, observations, interviews, or test results12.Audit criteria are the set of policies, procedures, standards, regulations, or requirements that are used as a reference against which audit evidence is compared12. Audit criteria could be derived from internal or external sources, such as ISO standards, industry best practices, or legal obligations12.Audit findings are the results of a process that evaluates audit evidence and compares it against audit criteria13. Audit findings can show that audit criteria are being met (conformity) or that they are not being met (nonconformity). They can also identify best practices or improvement opportunities13.References :=ISO 19011:2022 Guidelines for auditing management systemsISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements Components of Audit Findings – The Institute of Internal AuditorsNEW QUESTION 62Which one of the following options is the definition of an interested party?  A third party can appeal to an organisation when it perceives itself to be affected by a decision or activity  A person or organisation that can affect, be affected by or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activity  A group or organisation that can interfere in or perceive itself to be interfered with by a management decision  An individual or organisation that can control, be controlled by, or perceive itself to be controlled by a decision or activity ExplanationThis is the definition of an interested party according to ISO 27001:2013, clause 3.16. An interested party is essentially a stakeholder, i.e., a person or organization that can influence or be influenced by the information security management system (ISMS) or its activities. Interested parties can have different needs and expectations regarding the ISMS, and these should be identified and addressed by the organization.References:* ISO/IEC 27001:2013, Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements, clause 3.16* PECB Candidate Handbook ISO 27001 Lead Auditor, page 10* Identifying interested parties and their expectations for an ISO 27001 ISMS* Examples of ISO 27001 interested partiesNEW QUESTION 63Which threat could occur if no physical measures are taken?  Unauthorised persons viewing sensitive files  Confidential prints being left on the printer  A server shutting down because of overheating  Hackers entering the corporate network Which threat could occur if no physical measures are taken? A server shutting down because of overheating could occur if no physical measures are taken. Physical measures are actions or devices that protect information and information processing facilities from physical threats and hazards, such as fire, flood, earthquake, theft, vandalism, etc. Physical measures include locks, alarms, fences, cameras, fire extinguishers, ventilation systems, etc. If no physical measures are taken, the information and information processing facilities could be exposed to environmental damage or interference that could compromise their availability, integrity, or confidentiality. For example, if a server room has no adequate cooling system, the servers could overheat and malfunction or stop working altogether, resulting in loss of data or service. ISO/IEC 27001:2022 requires the organization to implement physical and environmental security controls to prevent unauthorized physical access, damage and interference to the organization’s information and information processing facilities (see clause A.11). Reference: [CQI & IRCA Certified ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training Course], ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements, [What is Physical Security?]NEW QUESTION 64There is a network printer in the hallway of the company where you work. Many employees don’t pick up their printouts immediately and leave them on the printer.What are the consequences of this to the reliability of the information?  The integrity of the information is no longer guaranteed.  The availability of the information is no longer guaranteed.  The confidentiality of the information is no longer guaranteed.  The Security of the information is no longer guaranteed. NEW QUESTION 65You are carrying out your first third-party ISMS surveillance audit as an Audit Team Leader. You are presently in the auditee’s data centre with another member of your audit team.You are currently in a large room that is subdivided into several smaller rooms, each of which has a numeric combination lock and swipe card reader on the door. You notice two external contractors using a swipe card and combination number provided by the centre’s reception desk to gain access to a client’s suite to carry out authorised electrical repairs.You go to reception and ask to see the door access record for the client’s suite. This indicates only one card was swiped. You ask the receptionist and they reply, “yes it’s a common problem. We ask everyone to swipe their cards but with contractors especially, one tends to swipe and the rest simply ‘tailgate’ their way in” but we know who they are from the reception sign-in.Based on the scenario above which one of the following actions would you now take?  Take no action. Irrespective of any recommendations, contractors will always act in this way  Raise a nonconformity against control A.5.20 ‘addressing information security in supplier relationships’ as information security requirements have not been agreed upon with the supplier  Raise a nonconformity against control A.7.6 ‘working in secure areas’ as security measures for working in secure areas have not been defined  Determine whether any additional effective arrangements are in place to verify individual access to secure areas e.g. CCTV  Raise an opportunity for improvement that contractors must be accompanied at all times when accessing secure facilities  Raise an opportunity for improvement to have a large sign in reception reminding everyone requiring access must use their swipe card at all times  Raise a nonconformity against control A.7.2 ‘physical entry’ as a secure area is not adequately protected  Tell the organisation they must write to their contractors, reminding them of the need to use access cards appropriately According to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS), control A.7.2 requires an organization to implement appropriate physical entry controls to prevent unauthorized access to secure areas1. The organization should define and document the criteria for granting and revoking access rights to secure areas, and should monitor and record the use of such access rights1. Therefore, when auditing the organization’s application of control A.7.2, an ISMS auditor should verify that these aspects are met in accordance with the audit criteria.Based on the scenario above, the auditor should raise a nonconformity against control A.7.2, as the secure area is not adequately protected from unauthorized access. The auditor should provide the following evidence and justification for the nonconformity:Evidence: The auditor observed two external contractors using a swipe card and combination number provided by the centre’s reception desk to gain access to a client’s suite to carry out authorized electrical repairs. The auditor checked the door access record for the client’s suite and found that only one card was swiped. The auditor asked the receptionist and was told that it was a common problem that contractors tend to swipe one card and tailgate their way in, but they were known from the reception sign-in.Justification: This evidence indicates that the organization has not implemented appropriate physical entry controls to prevent unauthorized access to secure areas, as required by control A.7.2. The organization has not defined and documented the criteria for granting and revoking access rights to secure areas, as there is no verification or authorization process for providing swipe cards and combination numbers to external contractors. The organization has not monitored and recorded the use of access rights to secure areas, as there is no mechanism to ensure that each individual swipes their card and enters their combination number before entering a secure area. The organization has relied on the reception sign-in as a means of identification, which is not sufficient or reliable for ensuring information security.The other options are not valid actions for auditing control A.7.2, as they are not related to the control or its requirements, or they are not appropriate or effective for addressing the nonconformity. For example:Take no action: This option is not valid because it implies that the auditor ignores or accepts the nonconformity, which is contrary to the audit principles and objectives of ISO 19011:20182, which provides guidelines for auditing management systems.Raise a nonconformity against control A.5.20 ‘addressing information security in supplier relationships’ as information security requirements have not been agreed upon with the supplier: This option is not valid because it does not address the root cause of the nonconformity, which is related to physical entry controls, not supplier relationships. Control A.5.20 requires an organization to agree on information security requirements with suppliers that may access, process, store, communicate or provide IT infrastructure components for its information assets1. While this control may be relevant for ensuring information security in supplier relationships, it does not address the issue of unauthorized access to secure areas by external contractors.Raise a nonconformity against control A.7.6 ‘working in secure areas’ as security measures for working in secure areas have not been defined: This option is not valid because it does not address the root cause of the nonconformity, which is related to physical entry controls, not working in secure areas. Control A.7.6 requires an organization to define and apply security measures for working in secure areas1. While this control may be relevant for ensuring information security when working in secure areas, it does not address the issue of unauthorized access to secure areas by external contractors.Determine whether any additional effective arrangements are in place to verify individual access to secure areas e.g. CCTV: This option is not valid because it does not address or resolve the nonconformity, but rather attempts to find alternative or compensating controls that may mitigate its impact or likelihood. While additional arrangements such as CCTV may be useful for verifying individual access to secure areas, they do not replace or substitute the requirement for appropriate physical entry controls as specified by control A.7.2.Raise an opportunity for improvement that contractors must be accompanied at all times when accessing secure facilities: This option is not valid because it does not address or resolve the nonconformity, but rather suggests a possible improvement action that may prevent or reduce its recurrence or severity. While accompanying contractors at all times when accessing secure facilities may be a good practice for ensuring information security, it does not replace or substitute the requirement for appropriate physical entry controls as specified by control A.7.2.Raise an opportunity for improvement to have a large sign in reception reminding everyone requiring access must use their swipe card at all times: This option is not valid because it does not address or resolve the nonconformity, but rather suggests a possible improvement action that may increase awareness or compliance with the existing controls. While having a large sign in reception reminding everyone requiring access must use their swipe card at all times may be a helpful reminder for ensuring information security, it does not replace or substitute the requirement for appropriate physical entry controls as specified by control A.7.2.Tell the organisation they must write to their contractors, reminding them of the need to use access cards appropriately: This option is not valid because it does not address or resolve the nonconformity, but rather instructs the organization to take a corrective action that may not be effective or sufficient for ensuring information security. While writing to contractors, reminding them of the need to use access cards appropriately may be a communication measure for ensuring information security, it does not replace or substitute the requirement for appropriate physical entry controls as specified by control A.7.2.NEW QUESTION 66Which two of the following statements are true?  The role of a certification body auditor involves evaluating the organisation’s processes for ensuring compliance with their legal requirements  Curing a third-party audit, the auditor evaluates how the organisation ensures that 4 6 made aware of changes to the legal requirements  As part of a certification body audit the auditor is resporable for verifying the organisation’s legal compliance status The following statements are true:* The role of a certification body auditor involves evaluating the organization’s processes for ensuring compliance with their legal requirements. This is part of the auditor’s responsibility to assess the effectiveness and conformity of the organization’s ISMS against the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard and the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.* During a third-party audit, the auditor evaluates how the organization ensures that they are made aware of changes to the legal requirements. This is part of the auditor’s responsibility to verify that the* organization has established and maintained a process for identifying and updating their legal and other requirements related to information security. The following statement is false:* As part of a certification body audit, the auditor is responsible for verifying the organization’s legal compliance status. This is not true, as the auditor is not authorized or qualified to provide legal advice or judgment on the organization’s compliance status. The auditor can only report on the evidence of compliance or noncompliance observed during the audit, but the ultimate responsibility for ensuring legal compliance lies with the organization. References: : CQI & IRCA ISO 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Course Handbook, page 66. : CQI & IRCA ISO 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Course Handbook, page 67.: ISO/IEC 27001 LEAD AUDITOR – PECB, page 22.NEW QUESTION 67There was a fire in a branch of the company Midwest Insurance. The fire department quickly arrived at the scene and could extinguish the fire before it spread and burned down the entire premises. The server, however, was destroyed in the fire. The backup tapes kept in another room had melted and many other documents were lost for good.What is an example of the indirect damage caused by this fire?  Melted backup tapes  Burned computer systems  Burned documents  Water damage due to the fire extinguishers NEW QUESTION 68Which one of the following options describes the main purpose of a Stage 1 audit?  To determine readiness for Stage 2  To check for legal compliance by the organisation  To get to know the organisation  To compile the audit plan ExplanationThe main purpose of a Stage 1 audit is to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation’s ISMS documentation, and to assess whether the organisation is prepared for the Stage 2 audit, where the implementation and operation of the ISMS will be verified. The Stage 1 audit also involves verifying the scope, objectives, and context of the ISMS, as well as identifying any areas of concern or nonconformities that need to be addressed before the Stage 2 audit.References:ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Lead Auditor (Information Security Management Systems) objectives and content from and PECB ISO/IEC 27006:2015 Information technology – Security techniques – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems Section 7.3.1NEW QUESTION 69Integrity of data means  Accuracy and completeness of the data  Data should be viewable at all times  Data should be accessed by only the right people Integrity of data means accuracy and completeness of the data. Integrity is one of the three main objectives of information security, along with confidentiality and availability. Integrity ensures that information and systems are not corrupted, modified, or deleted by unauthorized actions or events. Data should be viewable at all times is not related to integrity, but to availability. Data should be accessed by only the right people is not related to integrity, but to confidentiality. References: : CQI & IRCA ISO 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Course Handbook, page 24. : [ISO/IEC 27001 Brochures | PECB], page 4.NEW QUESTION 70Scenario 1: Fintive is a distinguished security provider for online payments and protection solutions. Founded in 1999 by Thomas Fin in San Jose, California, Fintive offers services to companies that operate online and want to improve their information security, prevent fraud, and protect user information such as PII. Fintive centers its decision-making and operating process based on previous cases. They gather customer data, classify them depending on the case, and analyze them. The company needed a large number of employees to be able to conduct such complex analyses. After some years, however, the technology that assists in conducting such analyses advanced as well. Now, Fintive is planning on using a modern tool, a chatbot, to achieve pattern analyses toward preventing fraud in real-time. This tool would also be used to assist in improving customer service.This initial idea was communicated to the software development team, who supported it and were assigned to work on this project. They began integrating the chatbot on their existing system. In addition, the team set an objective regarding the chatbot which was to answer 85% of all chat queries.After the successful integration of the chatbot, the company immediately released it to their customers for use.The chatbot, however, appeared to have some issues.Due to insufficient testing and lack of samples provided to the chatbot during the training phase, in which it was supposed “to learn” the queries pattern, the chatbot failed to address user queries and provide the right answers. Furthermore, the chatbot sent random files to users when it received invalid inputs such as odd patterns of dots and special characters. Therefore, the chatbot was unable to properly answer customer queries and the traditional customer support was overwhelmed with chat queries and thus was unable to help customers with their requests.Consequently, Fintive established a software development policy. This policy specified that whether the software is developed in-house or outsourced, it will undergo a black box testing prior to its implementation on operational systems.Based on this scenario, answer the following question:The chatbot was supposed “to learn” the queries pattern to address user queries and provide the right answers.What type of technology enablesthis?  Artificial intelligence  Cloud computing  Machine learning Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that involves the use of algorithms and statistical models to enable systems to improve their performance on a specific task over time with experience or data, without being explicitly programmed. In the context of the scenario, machine learning would be the technology that allows the chatbot to learn from patterns in queries to provide the right answers.NEW QUESTION 71You are an ISMS audit team leader who has been assigned by your certification body to carry out a follow-up audit of a client. You are preparing your audit plan for this audit.Which two of the following statements are true?  Verification should focus on whether any action undertaken taken has been undertaken efficiently  Corrections should be verified first, followed by corrective actions and finally opportunities for improvement  Verification should focus on whether any action undertaken is complete  Opportunities for improvement should be verified first, followed by corrections and finally corrective actions  Corrective actions should be reviewed first, followed by corrections and finally opportunities for improvement  Verification should focus on whether any action undertaken has been undertaken effectively ExplanationAccording to ISO 27001:2022 clause 9.1.2, the organisation shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether the information security management system conforms to the organisation’s own requirements, the requirements of ISO 27001:2022, and is effectively implemented and maintained12 According to ISO 27001:2022 clause 10.1, the organisation shall react to the nonconformities and take action, as applicable, to control and correct them and deal with the consequences. The organisation shall also evaluate the need for action to eliminate the causes of nonconformities, in order to prevent recurrence or occurrence.The organisation shall implement any action needed, review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken, and make changes to the information security management system, if necessary12 A follow-up audit is a type of internal audit that is conducted after a previous audit to verify whether the nonconformities and corrective actions have been addressed and resolved, and whether the information security management system has been improved12 Therefore, the following statements are true for preparing a follow-up audit plan:* Verification should focus on whether any action undertaken is complete. This means that the auditor should check whether the organisation has implemented all the planned actions to correct and prevent the nonconformities, and whether the actions have been documented and communicated as required12* Verification should focus on whether any action undertaken has been undertaken effectively. This means that the auditor should check whether the organisation has achieved the intended results and objectives of the actions, and whether the actions have eliminated or reduced the nonconformities and their causes and consequences12 The following statements are false for preparing a follow-up audit plan:* Verification should focus on whether any action undertaken has been undertaken efficiently. This is false because efficiency is not a criterion for verifying the actions taken to address the nonconformities and corrective actions. Efficiency refers to the optimal use of resources to achieve the desired outcomes,* but it is not a requirement of ISO 27001:2022. The auditor should focus on the effectiveness and completeness of the actions, not on the efficiency12* Corrections should be verified first, followed by corrective actions and finally opportunities for improvement. This is false because there is no prescribed order for verifying the corrections, corrective actions, and opportunities for improvement. The auditor should verify all the actions taken by the organisation, regardless of their sequence or priority. The auditor may choose to verify the actions based on their relevance, significance, or impact, but this is not a mandatory requirement12* Opportunities for improvement should be verified first, followed by corrections and finally corrective actions. This is false because there is no prescribed order for verifying the opportunities for improvement, corrections, and corrective actions. The auditor should verify all the actions taken by the organisation, regardless of their sequence or priority. The auditor may choose to verify the actions based on their relevance, significance, or impact, but this is not a mandatory requirement12* Corrective actions should be reviewed first, followed by corrections and finally opportunities for improvement. This is false because there is no prescribed order for reviewing the corrective actions, corrections, and opportunities for improvement. The auditor should review all the actions taken by the organisation, regardless of their sequence or priority. The auditor may choose to review the actions based on their relevance, significance, or impact, but this is not a mandatory requirement12 References:1: ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Lead Auditor (Information Security Management Systems) Course by CQI and IRCA Certified Training 1 2: ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor Training Course by PECB 2NEW QUESTION 72An administration office is going to determine the dangers to which it is exposed.What do we call a possible event that can have a disruptive effect on the reliability of information?  dependency  threat  vulnerability  risk ExplanationA possible event that can have a disruptive effect on the reliability of information is a threat. A threat is anything that has the potential to harm an asset or its protection, such as a natural disaster, a human error, a malicious attack, etc. A threat can exploit a vulnerability or weakness in an asset or its protection and cause an adverse impact on the confidentiality, integrity or availability of information. ISO/IEC 27001:2022 defines threat as “potential cause of an unwanted incident, which can result in harm to a system or organization” (see clause 3.48). References: [CQI & IRCA Certified ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Lead Auditor Training Course], ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements, What is Threat?NEW QUESTION 73Which situation presented below represents a threat?  HackX uses and distributes pirated software  The information security training was provided to only the IT team members of the organization  Hackers compromised the administrator’s account by cracking the password A threat in information security is any circumstance or event with the potential to cause harm to an information system through unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of data, and/or denial of service. The situation where hackers compromise an administrator’s account by cracking the password represents a direct threat to the security of the information system. References: = This explanation is based on general information security principles and the typical content covered in ISMS ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor training and certification programs. It aligns with the knowledge expected of a professional with an ISO/IEC27001 Lead Auditor certificationNEW QUESTION 74You are performing an ISMS audit at a residential nursing home that provides healthcare services. The next step in your audit plan is to verify the information security of the business continuity management process.During the audit, you learned that the organisation activated one of the business continuity plans (BCPs) to make sure the nursing service continued during the recent pandemic. You ask Service Manager to explain how the organisation manages information security during the business continuity management process.The Service Manager presents the nursing service continuity plan for a pandemic and summarises the process as follows:Stop the admission of any NEW residents.70% of administration staff and 30% of medical staff will work from home.Regular staff self-testing including submitting a negative test report 1 day BEFORE they come to the office.Install ABC’s healthcare mobile app, tracking their footprint and presenting a GREEN Health Status QR-Code for checking on the spot.You ask the Service Manager how to prevent non-relevant family members or interested parties from accessing residents’ personal data when staff work from home. The Service Manager cannot answer and suggests the n” Security Manager should help with that.You would like to further investigate other areas to collect more audit evidence Select three options that will be in your audit trail.  Collect more evidence on how the organisation manages information security on mobile devices and during teleworking (Relevant to control A.6.7)  Collect more evidence by interviewing more staff about their feeling about working from home.(Relevant to clause 4.2)  Collect more evidence on what resources the organisation provides to support the staff working from home. (Relevant to clause 7.1)  Collect more evidence on how the organisation performs a business risk assessment to evaluate how fast the existing residents can be discharged from the nursing home. (Relevant to clause 6)  Collect more evidence on how and when the Business Continuity Wan has been tested. (Relevant to control A.5.29)  Collect more evidence on how the organisation makes sure only staff with a negative test result can enter the organisation (Relevant to control A.7.2) According to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS), control A.5.29 requires an organization to establish and maintain a business continuity management process to ensure the continued availability of information and information systems at the required level following disruptive incidents1. The organization should identify and prioritize critical information assets and processes, assess the risks and impacts of disruptive incidents, develop and implement business continuity plans (BCPs), test and review the BCPs, and ensure that relevant parties are aware of their roles and responsibilities1. Therefore, when verifying the information security of the business continuity management process, an ISMS auditor should verify that these aspects are met in accordance with the audit criteria.Three options that will be in the audit trail for verifying control A.5.29 are:* Collect more evidence on how the organisation manages information security on mobile devices and during teleworking (Relevant to control A.6.7): This option is relevant because it can provide evidence of how the organization has implemented appropriate controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and information systems when staff work from home using mobile devices, such as laptops, tablets or smartphones. This is related to control A.6.7, which requires an organization to establish a policy and procedures for teleworking and use of mobile devices1.* Collect more evidence on how and when the Business Continuity Plan has been tested (Relevant to* control A.5.29): This option is relevant because it can provide evidence of how the organization has tested and reviewed the BCPs to ensure their effectiveness and suitability for different scenarios, such as a pandemic. This is related to control A.5.29, which requires an organization to test and review the BCPs at planned intervals or when significant changes occur1.* Collect more evidence on how the organisation makes sure only staff with a negative test result can enter the organisation (Relevant to control A.7.2): This option is relevant because it can provide evidence of how the organization has implemented appropriate controls to prevent or reduce the risk of infection or transmission of diseases among staff or residents, such as requiring regular staff self-testing and using a health status app. This is related to control A.7.2, which requires an organization to ensure that all employees and contractors are aware of information security threats and concerns, their responsibilities and liabilities, and are equipped to support organizational policies and procedures in this respect1.The other options are not relevant to verifying control A.5.29, as they are not related to the control or its requirements. For example:* Collect more evidence by interviewing more staff about their feeling about working from home (Relevant to clause 4.2): This option is not relevant because it does not provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a business continuity management process or ensured the continued availability of information and information systems following disruptive incidents. It may be related to clause 4.2, which requires an organization to understand the needs and expectations of interested parties, but not specifically to control A.5.29.* Collect more evidence on what resources the organisation provides to support the staff working from home (Relevant to clause 7.1): This option is not relevant because it does not provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a business continuity management process or ensured the continued availability of information and information systems following disruptive incidents. It may be related to clause 7.1, which requires an organization to determine and provide the resources needed for its ISMS, but not specifically to control A.5.29.* Collect more evidence on how the organisation performs a business risk assessment to evaluate how fast the existing residents can be discharged from the nursing home (Relevant to clause 6): This option is not relevant because it does not provide evidence of how the organization has established and maintained a business continuity management process or ensured the continued availability of information and information systems following disruptive incidents. It may be related to clause 6, which requires an organization to plan actions to address risks and opportunities for its ISMS, but not specifically to control A.5.29.References: ISO/IEC 27001:2022 – Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – RequirementsNEW QUESTION 75You are performing an ISO 27001 ISMS surveillance audit at a residential nursing home, ABC Healthcare Services. ABC uses a healthcare mobile app designed and maintained by a supplier, WeCare, to monitor residents’ well-being. During the audit, you learn that 90% of the residents’ family members regularly receive medical device advertisements from WeCare, by email and SMS once a week. The service agreement between ABC and WeCare prohibits the supplier from using residents’ personal data. ABC has received many complaints from residents and their family members.The Service Manager says that the complaints were investigated as an information security incident which found that they were justified.Corrective actions have been planned and implemented according to the nonconformity and corrective action management procedure.You write a nonconformity “ABC failed to comply with information security control A.5.34 (Privacy and protection of PII) relating to the personal data of residents’ and their family members. A supplier, WeCare, used residents’ personal information to send advertisements to family members.” Select three options of the corrections and corrective actions listed that you would expect ABC to make in response to the nonconformity.  ABC asks an ISMS consultant to test the ABC Healthcare mobile app for protection against cyber-crime.  ABC cancels the service agreement with WeCare.  ABC confirms that information security control A.5.34 is contained in the Statement of Applicability (SoA).  ABC discontinues the use of the ABC Healthcare mobile app.  ABC introduces background checks on information security performance for all suppliers.  ABC periodically monitors compliance with all applicable legislation and contractual requirements involving third parties.  ABC takes legal action against WeCare for breach of contract.  ABC trains all staff on the importance of maintaining information security protocols. The three options of the corrections and corrective actions listed that you would expect ABC to make in response to the nonconformity are:* B. ABC cancels the service agreement with WeCare.* E. ABC introduces background checks on information security performance for all suppliers.* F. ABC periodically monitors compliance with all applicable legislation and contractual requirements involving third parties.* B. This option is a possible correction and corrective action that ABC could take to address the nonconformity. A correction is the action taken to eliminate a detected nonconformity, while a corrective action is the action taken to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity and to prevent its recurrence1. By cancelling the service agreement with WeCare, ABC could stop the unauthorized use of residents’ personal data and protect their privacy and rights. This could also prevent further complaints and legal issues from the residents and their family members. However, this option may also have some drawbacks, such as the loss of a service provider, the need to find an alternative solution, and the potential impact on the residents’ well-being.* E. This option is a possible corrective action that ABC could take to address the nonconformity. By introducing background checks on information security performance for all suppliers, ABC could ensure that they select and work with reliable and trustworthy partners who respect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information they handle. This could also help ABC to comply with information security control A.15.1.1 (Information security policy for supplier relationships), which requires the organisation to agree and document information security requirements for mitigating the risks associated with supplier access to the organisation’s assets2.* F. This option is a possible corrective action that ABC could take to address the nonconformity. By periodically monitoring compliance with all applicable legislation and contractual requirements involving third parties, ABC could verify that the suppliers are fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities regarding information security. This could also help ABC to comply with information security control A.18.1.1 (Identification of applicable legislation and contractual requirements), which requires the organisation to identify, document, and keep up to date the relevant legislative, regulatory, contractual, and other requirements to which the organisation is subject3.References:1: ISO 27000:2018 – Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Overview and vocabulary, clause 3.9 and 3.10 2: ISO/IEC 27001:2022 – Information technology– Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements, Annex A, control A.15.1.1 3: ISO/IEC 27001:2022 – Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements, Annex A, control A.18.1.1 Loading … Latest PECB ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Auditor Practice Test Questions: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2024-09-29 10:29:25 Post date GMT: 2024-09-29 10:29:25 Post modified date: 2024-09-29 10:29:25 Post modified date GMT: 2024-09-29 10:29:25