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This means elements can be dragged and dropped within a web page without requiring external JavaScript libraries.* Implementation:* Making an Element Draggable: To make an element draggable, you set the draggable attribute to true:<div id=”drag1″ draggable=”true”>Drag me!</div>* Handling Drag Events: You use event listeners for drag events such as dragstart, dragover, and drop:document.getElementById(“drag1”).addEventListener(“dragstart”, function(event) { event.dataTransfer.setData(“text”,;});document.getElementById(“dropzone”).addEventListener(“dragover”, function(event) { event.preventDefault();});document.getElementById(“dropzone”).addEventListener(“drop”, function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var data = event.dataTransfer.getData(“text”);;});* Example: This example demonstrates a simple drag-and-drop operation:htmlCopy code<div id=”drag1″ draggable=”true”>Drag me!</div><div id=”dropzone” style=”width: 200px; height: 200px; border: 1px solid black;”>Drop here</div>* References:* W3C HTML5 Specification – Drag and Drop* MDN Web Docs – HTML Drag and Drop API* HTML5 Doctor – Drag and DropHTML5’s native drag-and-drop feature streamlines the process of creating interactive web applications by eliminating the need for third-party libraries, thus making it a powerful addition to the HTML standard.Q12. Which code segment correctly defines a function in JavaScript?  Void addNumbers(a, b)  Function addNumbers (a, b)  Void addNumber(int a, int b)  Function addNumber (in a, int b) In JavaScript, functions are defined using the function keyword followed by the name of the function, a set of parentheses (), and a block of code enclosed in curly braces {}.* Function Definition Syntax:* Correct Syntax:function addNumbers(a, b) {// function body}* Explanation:* function: Keyword to define a function.* addNumbers: Name of the function.* (a, b): Parameters for the function.* { … }: Function body containing the code to be executed.* Incorrect Options:* A. Void addNumbers(a, b): JavaScript does not use void to define functions.* C. Void addNumber(int a, int b): JavaScript does not use void or type declarations (int).* D. Function addNumber (in a, int b): JavaScript functions do not use type declarations.* References:* MDN Web Docs – Functions* W3Schools – JavaScript FunctionsQ13. A web designer creates the following HTML code:Which CSS selector applies only to the first line?  #Welcome  .Welcome  #Header  .header To apply CSS only to the first line of a particular HTML element, the ID selector #Welcome should be used as per the given HTML structure.* CSS ID Selector: The ID selector is used to style the element with a specific id.* Usage Example:#Welcome {color: red;}In this example, the #Welcome selector will apply the red color style only to the element with id=”Welcome”.References:* MDN Web Docs on ID Selectors* W3C CSS Specification on SelectorsQ14. What is an advantage that a mobile has over a mobile app?  It has full control of the user interface  It is fully functional offline.  It is automatically available to all users  It is automatically awe to access all device capabilities A mobile website has the advantage of being automatically available to all users without the need for installation. Users can access it through their web browsers on any device with internet connectivity.* Accessibility: Mobile websites can be accessed by simply entering a URL in a web browser. There is no need to visit an app store and install an application.* Cross-Platform Compatibility: Mobile websites are designed to work across various devices and platforms, ensuring a broader reach.* Automatic Updates: Updates to mobile websites are immediately available to users without requiring them to download and install new versions.References:* MDN Web Docs on Responsive Web Design* W3C Mobile Web Application Best PracticesQ15. What is the default behavior of overlay elements?  Last element listed appears on top  Last element listed appears on bottom  First element listed is invisible  First element listed is transparent In CSS, when elements overlap, the default behavior is that the last element listed in the HTML document appears on top.* Stacking Context:* Default Behavior: Elements are stacked in the order they appear in the HTML. The last element in the document tree is rendered on top.* z-index: You can control stacking order using the z-index property, but without it, the default order applies.* Example:* Given HTML:<div style=”position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: red;”></div><div style=”position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: blue;”></div>* The blue div will be on top of the red div because it appears later in the HTML document.* References:* MDN Web Docs – Stacking context* W3C CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3By understanding these fundamental CSS concepts, developers can create more effective and visually appealing web layouts.Q16. Given the following HTML code:And given the following CSS selector:Which elements will the CSS be applied to?  Any anchors (a. element) preceded by unordered lists (ul element)  All anchors (a. dement) and elements inside unordered lists ful element)  Any anchors (a element) followed by unordered lists (1:1 element)  All anchors (a element) and elements preceded by an unordered list (ul element) Given the CSS selector a, ul, it targets all anchor (<a>) elements and all unordered list (<ul>) elements independently. This means the CSS rule will be applied to each <a> and <ul> element in the HTML document.* CSS Selector Analysis:* a: This part of the selector targets all <a> elements in the document.* ,: The comma is a selector separator, meaning that each part of the selector list is applied independently.* ul: This part of the selector targets all <ul> elements in the document.* Example:* Given HTML:<p><a href=”″>Link 0</a><a href=”″>Link 1</a></p><ul><li>Hello</li></ul><p><a href=”″>Link 2</a><a href=”″>Link 3</a></p><b>Sample</b>* Given CSS:a, ul {color: red;}* Affected Elements: All <a> and <ul> elements will have the color set to red.* References:* MDN Web Docs – Comma combinator* W3C CSS Selectors Level 3Q17. Which method retrieves periods updates about the geographic location of a user:  getCurrentPosition  ClearWatch  GetContext  WatchPosition The watchPosition method in the Geolocation API is used to get periodic updates about the geographic location of a user.* watchPosition Method: This method calls the provided callback function with the user’s current position as the device’s location changes.* Usage Example:navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(function(position) {console.log(“Latitude: ” + position.coords.latitude + “, Longitude: ” + position.coords.longitude);});In this example, the watchPosition method continuously logs the user’s latitude and longitude to the console as the position changes.References:* MDN Web Docs on watchPosition* W3C Geolocation API SpecificationQ18. What is a common technique to ensure users can access all content on a mobile web page?  Access to multiple link layers  Targeted site content  A link to the full site  Navigation links requiring scrolling Providing a link to the full site on a mobile web page is a common technique to ensure users can access all content if they find the mobile version limiting.* Advantages:* Access to Full Functionality: Users can switch to the desktop version if they need features not available on the mobile site.* User Control: It gives users the choice to view the site in a layout they are more comfortable with.* Other Options:* A. Access to multiple link layers: This does not directly address user needs for full site access.* B. Targeted site content: While important, it does not replace the need for a full site link.* D. Navigation links requiring scrolling: This can worsen the user experience on mobile devices.* References:* Google Developers – Mobile Site DesignQ19. What represents the value of the pattern attribute of an input element in an HTML  A SQL statement  A regular expression  A style sheet  A JavaScript function The value of the pattern attribute in an input element is a regular expression. This regular expression is used to define what constitutes a valid value for the input.* Regular Expressions: Regular expressions (regex) are sequences of characters that define search patterns. They are commonly used for string matching and validation.* Usage Example:<input type=”text” pattern=”d{5}” placeholder=”Enter a 5-digit number”> Here, the pattern attribute value is a regular expression that validates a five-digit number.References:* MDN Web Docs on pattern* Regular Expressions DocumentationQ20. A developer needs to apply a red font color to the navigation, footer, and the first two of three paragraphs on a website.The developer writes the following code:Which CSS archives this developer’s goal?  Content  Padding  Margin  border To apply a red font color to the navigation, footer, and the first two of three paragraphs on a website, the correct CSS would use the content attribute to achieve the desired styling. However, the term “content” isn’t correct in the given context. The appropriate answer involves directly specifying styles for these elements using CSS selectors.Here’s the correct CSS:nav, footer, p.standard:nth-of-type(1), p.standard:nth-of-type(2) {color: red;}Explanation:* CSS Selectors: The selectors nav, footer, p.standard:nth-of-type(1), and p.standard:nth-of-type(2) are used to target the specific elements. The nth-of-type pseudo-class is used to select the first and second paragraphs.* Applying Styles: The color: red; style rule sets the text color to red for the specified elements.References:* MDN Web Docs on CSS Selectors* W3C CSS Specification on SelectorsQ21. What should a developer increase to create space between a border and content?  Margin  Width  Height  Padding Padding is the CSS property used to create space between the content of an element and its border. It is an internal spacing within the element.* CSS Box Model:* Content: The innermost part, where text and images appear.* Padding: The space between the content and the border.* Border: The edge of the element.* Margin: The space outside the border, creating space between different elements.* Usage:* Padding:div {padding: 20px;}* This code adds 20 pixels of padding on all sides of the content within the div element.* References:* MDN Web Docs – Padding* W3C CSS Box ModelQ22. Given the following CSS code:How many seconds elapse before the font-size property begins to increase when a user hovers a mouse pointer over the delay element?  4  2  6  0 The CSS transition-delay property specifies how long to wait before starting a property transition. In the given CSS code, the transition-delay is set to 2s.* CSS Transition Properties:* transition-property: Specifies the CSS property to which the transition is applied (font-size in this case).* transition-duration: Specifies how long the transition takes (4s).* transition-delay: Specifies the delay before the transition starts (2s).Example:* Given HTML:<div id=”delay”>Hover over me</div>* Given CSS:#delay {font-size: 14px;transition-property: font-size;transition-duration: 4s;transition-delay: 2s;}#delay:hover {font-size: 36px;}Explanation: When a user hovers over the element with id=”delay”, it will wait for 2 seconds before the transition effect on font-size starts.References:* MDN Web Docs – transition-delay* W3C CSS TransitionsQ23. Which code segment creates a slider field that accepts a numeric value ranging from 1 through 10?         To create a slider field that accepts a numeric value ranging from 1 through 10, the input element with type=” range” should be used. The min and max attributes define the range of acceptable values.* HTML Input Type range:* Purpose: The range type is used for input fields that should contain a value from a specified range.* Attributes:* type=”range”: Specifies that the input field should be a slider.* min=”1″: Sets the minimum acceptable value.* max=”10″: Sets the maximum acceptable value.* Example:* Given the HTML:<input type=”range” name=”sat-level” min=”1″ max=”10″>* Options Analysis:* Option A:<input type=”number” name=”sat-level” max=”10″>* This creates a numeric input field, not a slider.* Option B:<input type=”range” name=”sat-level” min=”1″ max=”10″>* This is the correct option that creates a slider field with the specified range.* Option C:<input type=”number” name=”sat-level” min=”1″ max=”10″>* This creates a numeric input field, not a slider.* Option D:<input type=”range” name=”sat-level” max=”10″>* This creates a slider but lacks the min attribute, so it doesn’t fully meet the requirement.* References:* MDN Web Docs – <input type=”range”>* W3Schools – HTML Input RangeBy using the correct attributes, the slider field will allow users to select a value between 1 and 10.Q24. Which HTML5 attribute specifies where to send the form data for processing a form is submitted?  Method  Target  Action  Enctype The action attribute in the <form> element specifies the URL where the form data should be sent for processing when the form is submitted.* Action Attribute: This attribute defines the endpoint that will handle the submitted form data.* Usage Example:<form action=”/submit-form” method=”post”><input type=”text” name=”username”><input type=”submit” value=”Submit”></form>Here, the form data is sent to the /submit-form URL when submitted.References:* MDN Web Docs on <form> action attribute* W3C HTML Specification on FormsQ25. Given the following HTML code:Which line of code should replace the first line to ensure that users can pause and restart the video?         To ensure that users can pause and restart the video, the controls attribute needs to be added to the <video> tag. This attribute provides the user with controls to play, pause, and adjust the volume of the video. The correct line of code that should replace the first line in the provided HTML to achieve this functionality is:<video width=”360″ height=”270″ controls>Here’s the comprehensive explanation:* controls Attribute: The controls attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that video controls should be displayed, allowing the user to control video playback, including pausing, playing, and seeking.* HTML Structure:* Original Line:<video width=”360″ height=”270″>* Revised Line:<video width=”360″ height=”270″ controls>* Usage Example:<video width=”360″ height=”270″ controls><source src=”video.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>Your browser does not support the HTML5 video element.</video>In this example, adding the controls attribute provides the user with play, pause, and volume controls.References:* MDN Web Docs on <video>* W3C HTML5 Specification on <video>Q26. Given the following code:Which type of user input does the developer request by specifying the pattern attribute?  Date  Country code  price  Latitude/longitude The pattern attribute in the <input> element is used to specify a regular expression that the input’s value must match for it to be considered valid. The given pattern -?d{1,3}.d+ matches strings that represent decimal numbers with an optional negative sign, typically used for latitude and longitude values.* Pattern Explanation:* -? allows for an optional negative sign.* d{1,3} matches one to three digits.* . matches a literal dot.* d+ matches one or more digits.* Usage Example:<input type=”text” pattern=”-?d{1,3}.d+” placeholder=”Enter latitude or longitude”> This pattern ensures the input matches the format of latitude/longitude values.References:* MDN Web Docs on <input> pattern attribute* Regular Expressions DocumentationQ27. Given the following code:What does the console display as output?  8  86  14 Given the code segment:var a = “8”;var b = “6”;var c = a + b;console.log(c);This code concatenates two strings.* Explanation:* var a = “8”;: Variable a is assigned the string “8”.* var b = “6”;: Variable b is assigned the string “6”.* var c = a + b;: The + operator concatenates the two strings, resulting in “86”.* console.log(c);: Outputs the value of c to the console.* Output:* The console displays “86” because it concatenates the two string values.* References:* MDN Web Docs – String* W3Schools – JavaScript StringQ28. What is the process for JavaScript from validation?  User input is sent to the server as fields are completed for validation.  User input is sent to the server after the form is completed tor validation.  Form fields are validated after the form is submitted but before form data is sent to the server  Form fields are validated as me user inputs data after form data is sent to the server. JavaScript form validation typically occurs after the form is submitted but before the form data is sent to the server. This allows the client-side script to check the input data and prevent the form from being submitted if the data is invalid.* Client-Side Validation:* Before Form Submission: JavaScript validates the form fields after the user attempts to submit the form.* Prevent Default Submission: If the validation fails, JavaScript can prevent the form from being submitted and display appropriate error messages.* Usage Example:document.getElementById(“myForm”).addEventListener(“submit”, function(event) { var isValid = true;// Perform validation checksif (!isValid) {event.preventDefault(); // Prevent form submissionalert(“Please correct the errors.”);}});This example prevents form submission if the validation fails.References:* MDN Web Docs on Form Validation* W3C HTML Specification on Form SubmissionQ29. Which technique should a developer use for text-based hyperlink on mobile web page?  Padding the clickable area around the link  Keeping links uniform  Deploying graphical links  Using dynamic page elements neat the link When designing text-based hyperlinks for mobile web pages, it is essential to ensure that the links are easily tappable. Adding padding around the clickable area increases the touch target size, making it easier for users to interact with the link on a mobile device.* Techniques for Mobile-Friendly Links:* Padding the Clickable Area: By adding padding, you increase the touchable area around the link, which helps prevent user frustration due to missed taps.* CSS Example:a {padding: 10px;display: inline-block;}* Other Options:* B. Keeping links uniform: This refers to making all links look the same, which is good for consistency but doesn’t specifically address the issue of touch targets.* C. Deploying graphical links: While graphical links can be effective, they do not necessarily improve touch target size for text-based hyperlinks.* D. Using dynamic page elements near the link: This can lead to a cluttered interface and does not address the touch target issue directly.* References:* MDN Web Docs – Touch targets* Google Developers – Mobile Web DevelopmentQ30. What is the used to render images dynamically?  MPEG-4  Canvas  Ogg  H.264 The <canvas> element in HTML5 is used to render images and graphics dynamically through JavaScript. It is a powerful feature for creating graphics, game visuals, data visualizations, and other graphical content directly in the browser.* Canvas Element: The <canvas> element is an HTML tag that, with the help of JavaScript, can be used to draw and manipulate graphics on the fly.* Usage Example:<canvas id=”myCanvas” width=”200″ height=”100″></canvas><script>var canvas = document.getElementById(“myCanvas”);var ctx = canvas.getContext(“2d”);ctx.fillStyle = “#FF0000”;ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 100);</script>In this example, a red rectangle is drawn on a canvas element.References:* MDN Web Docs on <canvas>* W3C HTML Canvas 2D Context SpecificationQ31. What does a form field default to if the type attribute is omitted from a form?  Date  Text  Range  number If the type attribute is omitted from an <input> element, it defaults to text.* HTML Input Default Type:* Default Type: The default value for the type attribute in an <input> element is text.* Example:* Given the HTML:<input>* This will render as a text input field.* References:* MDN Web Docs – <input>* W3Schools – HTML Input TypesQ32. Given the following JavaScript code:What happens when this code is executed?  The object with the id demo is changed to x.  The object with the id innerHTML is changed to 6.  The object with the demo is changed to 6.  The object with the id innerHTML is changed to x. The provided JavaScript code sets a variable x to 6 and then assigns this value to the innerHTML of the HTML element with the id demo.var x;x = 6;document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = x;Explanation:* Variable Declaration: var x; declares the variable x.* Variable Assignment: x = 6; assigns the value 6 to the variable x.* DOM Manipulation: document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = x; finds the element with id demo and sets its innerHTML to the value of x, which is 6.Outcome:* The content of the HTML element with the id demo will be changed to 6.References:* MDN Web Docs on getElementById* W3C JavaScript DOM ManipulationQ33. Give the following HTML code:Which CSS property would make the corners of the div rounded?  Border-collapse  Border-style  Border-width  Border-radius To make the corners of a div element rounded, the CSS property border-radius is used. This property allows you to define how rounded the corners should be by specifying a radius.* CSS border-radius Property:* Syntax:div {border-radius: 10px;}* Description: The value can be in pixels (px), percentages (%), or other units. Higher values create more rounded corners.* Example:* Given HTML:<div>Sample</div>* Given CSS:div {width: 100px;height: 50px;background-color: red;border-radius: 10px;}* References:* MDN Web Docs – border-radius* W3C CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3Q34. Which HTML tag should a developer use to create a drop-down list?  <Option>  <Section >  <Output>  <Select> The <select> tag is used in HTML to create a drop-down list. It is used in conjunction with the <option> tags to define the list items within the drop-down menu.* Purpose of <select>: The <select> element is used to create a control that provides a menu of options.The user can select one or more options from the list.* Structure of Drop-down List:* The <select> element encloses the <option> elements.* Each <option> element represents an individual item in the drop-down list.* Usage Example:<label for=”cars”>Choose a car:</label><select id=”cars” name=”cars”><option value=”volvo”>Volvo</option><option value=”saab”>Saab</option><option value=”fiat”>Fiat</option><option value=”audi”>Audi</option></select>In this example, the <select> tag creates a drop-down list with four options: Volvo, Saab, Fiat, and Audi.* Attributes of <select>:* name: Specifies the name of the control, which is submitted with the form data.* id: Used to associate the <select> element with a label using the <label> tag’s for attribute.* multiple: Allows multiple selections if set.References:* MDN Web Docs on <select>* W3C HTML Specification on Forms Loading … Practice Web-Development-Applications Questions With Certification guide Q&A from Training Expert ExamcollectionPass: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2024-12-11 14:23:35 Post date GMT: 2024-12-11 14:23:35 Post modified date: 2024-12-11 14:23:35 Post modified date GMT: 2024-12-11 14:23:35