Q230. The networking is as shown in the figure, RTA, RTB are located in AS 100, RTC, RTD, RTE are located in AS 200, AS 100 advertises BGP route to AS 200, the main configuration of BGP of RTC and RTD is as follows, may I ask the BGP route on RTE Who does the next hop point to?
bgp 200
peerRTA as-number 90
peerRTD as-number 200
peerRTA preferred-value 100
peerRTA route-policsetlp import
route-policsetlp permit node 10
appllocal-preference 200
bgp 200
peerRTB as-number 100
peerRTC as-number 200
peerRTA route-policsetlp import
route-policsetlp permit node 10
appllocal-preference 300